Baked chicken on jart

This is very delicious, original and at same time easy receipt of baked chicken.

Your family sure will be glad!

Well... take a chicken and rub it salt and your beloved spices,
but I recommend you add a bit sugar too.

Take a glass jar, add red wine and water, all up to half volume,
and place to our jar one bay leaf.
Such way prepared jar place on baking tray because else the juice from our
chicken will trickle down to baked box to soil it hard.

At next step, we have to put our chicken on jar,

put all it to hot box. Approximately after one hour chicken is ready for eating.

Bon appetit!

As you see, such way prepared chicken very good for all that have no
time for some cooking subtleties.
But this is simple way to break over you family or guests.