Stuffed paprika

Frankly, this is one the most beloved dishes I know... I like it so much!

Here is way how I do it.

Take paprika as much as you need, cut off the stem, get out the seeds but do it carefully, paprika have to be remained untouched and without extra holes.

The meat stuffing I use for filling prepared from half pound of minced meat, say 100 gram of rice already boiled up to half-ready), chop fine 2-3 onions, and mix all with salt and black pepper as you like.

Put your paprika in baked trail and bake it approximate one hour with average heat. After some half hour pour with milk cream or yogurt.

The same way you can use for cook paprika in tomato sauce.

Just pour not yogurt but tomato sauce that I usually prepare such way:
1 rubbed carrot mix with 3 table spoons of tomato paste and with 3 table spoons of ketchup. Add water until it become fluid like yogurt milk.

Really I enjoy both ways, and hard to say what way I like the most. And the most stuff you have to care is fully ready rice.